1. Sonido Amazonico (4:17)
2. Primavera en la Selva (4:02)
3. Mi Plato de Barro (2:21)
4. Tres Pasajeros (4:03)
5. The Hungry Song (4:06)
6. El Borrachito (4:53)
7. Pavane (3:46)
8. Six Pieds Sous Terre (3:32)
9. Un Shipibo en España (3:09)
10.Indian Summer (4:57)
11.La Cumbia del Zapatero (2:41)
12.Popcorn Andino (5:19)
13.Yo No Fui (2:30)
14.Gnosienne No.1 (4:33)
Año: 2008
Calidad: VBR kbps // Tamaño: 95.3 mb
My Space: myspace.com/chichalibre
Género: cumbia amazonica peruana hecha por yankis (?)
Reseña de la pagina oficial del grupo (espero que hayan estudiado ingles como tanto querian sus padres porque no lo pienso traducir)
Chicha Libre plays a mixture of latin rhythms, surf music and psychedelic pop inspired by Peruvian music from the Amazon. The Brooklyn-based band mixes up covers of forgotten Chicha classics with French-tinged originals, re-interpretation of 70’s pop classics as well as cumbia versions of pieces by Satie and Ravel.
Chicha is the name of a corn-based liquor favored by the Incas in pre-colombian days. Chicha is also the name of a South American music craze which started out in the early 70's in the Peruvian Amazon.
Cumbias Amazonicas, as they were first called, were loosely inspired by Colombian accordion-driven cumbias but incorporated the distinctive pentatonic scales of Andean melodies, some Cuban son, and the psychedelic sounds of surf guitars, farfisa organs and moog synthesizers.
Bands such as Los Mirlos, Juaneco y su Combo and Eusebio y su Banjo were playing an oddly post-modern combination of western psychedelia, Cuban and Colombian rhythms, national melodies and idiosyncratic inventions which were close in spirit to both the Congolese rumba of Franco and the pop syncretism of Os Mutantes.
The music was so fresh, so exciting and its appeal so effortlessly universal that it still seems strange that it never managed to find an international audience. Chicha Libre was started as a way to pay tribute to the music. The group includes musicians associated with the Brooklyn barbès scene (which is co owned by two of the musicians in the band: Olivier Conan and VIncent Douglas) and includes Keyboardist Joshua Camp, who is one half of lit-rock group One Ring Zero and plays an antiquated accordion/organ hybrid manufactured by Hohner called the Electravox; Olivier Conan (who also play with Las Rubias del Norte) on Cuatro and vocals; Bassist Nicholas Cudahy whose former band, Combustible Edison, knew a thing or two about pop syncretism; Guitarist Vincent Douglas (of bands Bébé Eiffel & The Humphries) and veteran percussionists Greg Burrows (Andy Statman) and Timothy Quigley (Romashka).
While Chicha Libre’s repertoire has evolved somewhat from the Amazonian canon, the sound and approach are completely indebted to the Amazonian bands it originally emulated. Like them, they use surf guitar, organ sounds and latin percussion to play a mixture of borrowed and homegrown sounds. The borrowings are somewhat different - classical music and pop debris from 3 continents in Chicha Libre's case – but the latin rhythms that form the basis of the music are both as close and as foreign to them as they were to the Shipibo Indians who first took up the electric guitar.
9 comentarios:
Un engendro para universitarios yanquis que se quieren hacer los cool. Perla negra!!
Idem gabo totalmente! Posteate un disco de Juaneco y su combo... stefri!
esta posteado, mira 3 discos para abajo
Hay un disco que nunca encontré completo y que solo conseguí previews de todos los temas que son hechos por yankies o ingleses que remixan cumbias mexicanas.
El compilado se llama "Up, Bustle and Out" y el disco del que hablo es "Mexican Sessions"---> si alguno lo tiene o consigue completo que lo suba.
TINCHO: El compilado está en Taringa
Voy a chusmearlo.
Gracias y de nada! (?)
Está bueno el disco pero no resiste una comparación con Los Destellos, ponele
suena de puta madre.
muy buen sonido.
aguante la cumbia mariguanos!
indian summer como la canción de the doors xd
Los links estan caidos...podrán subirlo nuevamente...gracias!
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