1. "Panic" (Mike Muir, Josh Paul)
2. "Scream Out" (Muir)
3. "We Are The Family" (Muir, Mike Clark)
4. "Epic Escape" (Muir, Dean Pleasants)
5. "Payback's A Bitch" (Muir, Pleasants, Robert Trujillo)
6. "It's Time" (Muir, Pleasants)
7. "Sweet Disharmony" (Muir)
8. "Big Fat Baby" (Muir)
9. "Some People (Deserve To Die)" (Dosage, Fiendly)
10. "Teachin Lil Ricky A Lesson" (Dosage)
11. "Day At The Beach" (Clark)
12. "Dysfunktional" (Mike Jensen, Clark)
13. "Who's Got A Secret?" (The Freakazoid Twins)
14. "They Say" (The Freakazoid Twins)
* Tracks 1 - 3 performed by Suicidal Tendencies
* Tracks 4 - 6 performed by Suicidal Tendencies and Infectious Grooves
* Tracks 7 - 8 performed by Cyco Miko
* Tracks 9 - 10 performed by The Funeral Party
* Tracks 11 - 12 performed by Creeper
* Tracks 13 - 14 performed by Musical Heroin
Friends & Family, Vol. 1 was an album containing various artists material including Suicidal Tendencies and Infectious Grooves. It was released by Suicidal Records in 1997.
It was sub-titled "Epic Escape" because Suicidal Tendencies - whose singer Mike Muir runs Suicidal Records - had exited the Epic Records label on which they had released much of their late 1980s and early 90s material.
The Suicidal Tendencies tracks, "Scream Out" and "We Are Family", were eventually re-recorded and ended up on their next album, Freedumb in 1999.
The Cyco Miko track, "Big Fat Baby", was a re-recording of a track called "Lost My Brain (Once Again)" on the 1995 album of the same name.
6 comentarios:
hola....pasaba para hacer una preguntita....estoy agotando mi disco duro y no quiero bajar discos al dope si no me gustan aparte q tengo una velocidad de mierda...:P.......las bandas son mas o menos del estilo de infectious grooves??!!....porq no las conozco...pero infectious con su funk-metal (XD) me encanta
por otro lado si suben alguno de infectious groooves se los agradeceria eternamente ...:)
Si, es similar a infectious grooves
gracias gente...:)...se merecen mchas putas gratis...:P
Es extraño, hace mucho buscaba ese disco. Chau musimundo. No me gusta tener discos en mp3; pero en estoy días... ¿Quién sabe?.
Lo que tengo acá, que les puede interesar, es 17 Caramelos (de los chicos Martes Menta, antecesores de Pez).
No se si leen esto, creo que no; pero cualquier cosa: Disimular@gmail.com
(Lo se, Juan no es un nombre muy extraño en este mundo; sepan disculpar)
si lo leen xq de hecho ellos autorizan si el comentario se publica o no....che...link me funco como las nalgas .....:(
no dije nada....ahora funca bien....sorry
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